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Triangle, NC Chapter
Wake, Durham, Chatham and Johnston Counties |
We are a group dedicated to promoting and connecting alternative artists and artistic events in and around Wake, Durham, Chatham and Johnston Counties, North Carolina.
We have sculptors, dancers, painters, models, hoopers, poi, and just about anything else you can think of or want to do. We love new, interesting, and unusual stuff. We love seeing your cool work. We love hanging out. And we really love to see the unusual and varied talents that exist in the Triangle.
We envision a community where:
The arts are common in everyday life.
There is variety of artistic expression, including themes and content.
Where art provides a look into our deeper selves and provokes cultural exploration and evolution.
Where every person has a way of expressing, enjoying and enriching themselves and their lives through the arts.
Where artistic development is encouraged and given safe refuge from judgement.![]()
Models, Photographers and MUAs Networking Meet-Up
Time: 8:00pm - Third Thursday of every month.
Location: The View (Legends complex), Raleigh, NC
A social networking event for models, photographers, MUAs, stylists, etc to get together, discuss work, and make new contacts.
This is a * FREE * event! Must be 18+ to enter.
Bring your portfolio (watermarked so we know it's your work) on a CD/USB drive and it will be displayed on our Big Screen during the entire event. Images should be 800w by 600h. No nudity please!
NOTE: The entrance to the View is off of HARRINGTON ST, and is perpendicular to the street. If you pull into the parking area, you can see the ramp to the double doors.
Stick around after for the Kink Carnival
November 2, 2013 | Photographers DivisionWe took a look at and discussed the new Triangle Artworks Pop-Up Tool-Kit. This might be a valid way for us to increase showings in the region and to get our work seen and possibly sold. This could be beneficial to not olny the photographers abut but other artists here in the AAC too. Maybe a tie-in event between photographers/artists along with performance artists could increase visibility for both. We will have further meetings and more discussion on this in the near future.
June 26, 2013 | Photographers Division4 of the interested photographers met last night to discuss the Co-op gallery idea. Some of the ideas generated were:We will be gathering some of this information and will be meeting again in July. We would like for more photographers to get involved. At this point we feel the right size for the Co-op will be 10 photographers. Any and all photographers are invited to join in our discussions to gather more information or to participate. Again, if you would like to be part of these discussions just Contact Us and we will keep you informed about any upcoming meetings.
- Look into costs associated with forming our own gallery.
- Form a group to work with and educate gallery and show venues.
- Fundraising (Kickstarter, GoFundMe, etc.)
- Check into available local theatre, gallery and showing venues.
May 4, 2013 | Photographers DivisionWe have several photographers that have met and discussed the lack of theatre, gallery and showing options in the Raleigh area for the more 'alternative' photographers. NC seems to be a bit stand-offish about many of the alternative styles (including exotic, erotic, horror, bondage, glamour, figure, etc.). We would like to form a group to work with and educate gallery and show venues about these forms of photography to try to expand available venues.
One of the additional ideas discussed was forming a co-op gallery of some sort aimed at strictly 'alternative' forms of photography and related artworks. This could be of benefit to all of us.
If you would like to be part of these discussions just Contact Us and we will keep you informed about any upcoming meetings.
April 2, 2013 | Membership MeetingOur thanks to those that attended. As we discussed, with the poor turnout and the apparent lack of interest shown we have tabled the plans for the Fall Fund-Raiser. The performers have been notified and as of today (4/3/2013) this event is officially cancelled.My apologies to those of you that have asked about Sparkcon. At this point in time I do not believe that the AAC will be helping or participating in the 2013 Sparkcon weekend. However, if any of you are still interested in performing or helping out with Sparkcon I suggest you check out the Visual Art Exchange website for current updates and information as it appears that the actual Sparkcon website is not being updated or maintained at this time.