June 1, 2013

We have decided to start a BLOG for the Alternative Arts Collective - Triangle NC Chapter.

What is The Alternative Arts Collective and what will this blog cover?

We are a group dedicated to promoting and connecting alternative artists and artistic events in and around Wake, Durham, Chatham and Johnston Counties, North Carolina.

We have sculptors, dancers, painters, models, hoopers, poi, and just about anything else you can think of or want to do.
We love new, interesting, and unusual stuff. We love seeing your cool work. We love hanging out.
And we really love to see the unusual and varied talents that exist in the Triangle.

We envision a community where:
We would like to take the blog live on the first of October, 2013. To this end we are going to need help from our membership. If you are interested in writing for this BLOG and would like more information on what is involved then Click Here.

We are open to more than just writing. We will also be hosting Podcasts along with creating, hosting and showing videos.